Gertraud Diem-Wille is professor of psychoanalysis in education at the University of Klagenfurt. She is a training analyst for children, adolescents and adults of the Viennese Psychoanalytic Society and the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). She had pioneered and supported the training in psychoanalytic observational approaches to training in psychoanalysis and in educational fields. She is the Organising and Scientific Tutor of the PG MA in Psychoanalytic Observational Studies at the University of Klagenfurt. Her books include Das Kleinkind und seine Eltern (The Young Child and its Parents) and Die frühen Lebensjahre.
'This book provides a powerfully argued and beautifully constructed account of the early development of the child in the family context from a psychoanalytic perspective. It draws particularly on the... (more)
Puberty is a time of tumultuous transition from childhood to adulthood activated by rapid physical changes, hormonal development and explosive activity of neurons. This book explores puberty through... (more)
The book describes, from a psychoanalytic perspective, the development of the parent-infant relationship in the first years of life. It follows the development of the child's relationship to his or... (more)
This book concerns the child’s emotional and cognitive development during the period of latency. It constitutes a bridge between the first stormy years of child development and adolescence. The... (more)