This work is the result of a collaboration between a social historian and a cognitive scientist. It examines the enigmatic case of Hugh Blair Borg, an 18th-century Scottish Laird, whose brief... (more)
The first edition of Autism: Explaining the Enigma quickly became a classic because it provided the first satisfactory psychological account of what happens in the mind of a person with autism. The... (more)
Forced learning, or 'hot-housing', of infants has become increasingly popular in recent years - but does it work? The plasticity of the adolescent and adult brain is becoming gradually acknowledged... (more)
What causes autism? Is it a genetic disorder, or due to some unknown environmental hazard? Are we facing an autism epidemic? What are the main symptoms, and how does it relate to Asperger syndrome?... (more)
Able, or high-functioning, autistic individuals are increasingly recognized as suffering from Asperger syndrome. They are highly gifted and learn to compensate for their autism to a remarkable... (more)