Focuses on the value of drama as a therapeutic process, particularly for the treatment of thought disorders such as schizophrenia and depression. This book examines the relationship between rational... (more)
Taking a dramatherapist's perspective, this text looks at methods of researching the arts therapies, and how particular definitions of research affect our understanding and practising of arts... (more)
A study examining the underlying theatrical underpinning of dramatherapy, which is firmly based on an understanding of processes which are fundamentally theatrical: imagination, identification and... (more)
By tying together folklore and traditional beliefs with actual funeral practices, both contemporary and modern, the author has created a work that examines the anthropological, psychological and... (more)
Group Spirituality's approach to spirituality from a workshop focus, successfully attempts to embody spirituality and provide a framework for consciously examining and integrating spirituality within... (more)