Elizabeth Wilde McCormick has been in practice as a psychotherapist for over thirty years. She is also a teacher, trainer and writer. She is a founder member of The Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy at Guy's Hospital, London, and the author of a number of best-selling self-help books.
What is the place of discontent and unhappiness in human experience and how best can we be with it?
There is something about everything that makes it not quite satisfactory. Even things we... (more)
This fifth edition features up-to-date thinking and practice from Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapy and includes new content on Trauma, Mindfulness, Relational Mapping and Group Work. Lecturers can... (more)
Transpersonal psychology recognizes and values levels of experience that lift us beyond our usual sense of self, closed in by the content of our personalities. It actively encourages exploration... (more)
This book shows us how to have the courage to stop and explore the nature of our edges. It shows us how to develop inner practices to be alongside fear and darkness. These steps allow us to transform... (more)
By understanding and listening to your heart you can help prevent the problems which lead to heart disease and failure. This accessible book explores how both physical and emotional issues affect the... (more)