Lacanian Psychoanalysis Books

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Lacan's Clinical Technique: Lack(a)nian Analysis

Lacan's Clinical Technique: Lack(a)nian Analysis

by Antonio Quinet

  • Paperback £31.99

How do psychoanalysts act during analysis? When does treatment start? How long does a session or treatment last? How much does it cost? What does analytical interpretation entail? What is the final... (more)

Above the Ground and Beneath the Clouds: Schizophrenia in Lacanian Psychoanalysis

Above the Ground and Beneath the Clouds: Schizophrenia in Lacanian Psychoanalysis

by Yannis Grammatopoulos

  • Paperback £33.99

Above the Ground and Beneath the Clouds examines the history, conceptualisation, and treatment of the psychotic sub-type of schizophrenia, as this is advocated by psychoanalysis of Lacanian... (more)

Confessions from the Couch: Psychoanalytical Notions Illustrated with Extracts from Sessions

Confessions from the Couch: Psychoanalytical Notions Illustrated with Extracts from Sessions

by Valerie Blanco

  • Paperback £10.99

The unconscious? The Oedipus complex? The castration complex? Neurosis? The objet a? What are they? And what does one say to an analyst? What happens during an analysis?

For those asking... (more)

Lacanian Affects: The Function of Affect in Lacan's Work

Lacanian Affects: The Function of Affect in Lacan's Work

by Colette Soler

  • Paperback £40.99

Affect is a high-stakes topic in psychoanalysis, but there has long been a misperception that Lacan neglected affect in his writings. We encounter affect at the beginning of any analysis in the form... (more)

Lacanian Coordinates: From the Logic of the Signifier to the Paradoxes of Guilt and Desire

Lacanian Coordinates: From the Logic of the Signifier to the Paradoxes of Guilt and Desire

by Bogdan Wolf

  • Paperback £31.99

Psychoanalysis is an experience of truths and lies in language. It is also a discourse, and a praxis. Lacanian Coordinates takes the reader from the beginning of Lacan’s teaching, from the logic of... (more)

Jacques Lacan and Cinema: Imaginary, Gaze, Formalisation

Jacques Lacan and Cinema: Imaginary, Gaze, Formalisation

by Pietro Bianchi

  • Paperback £35.99

Psychoanalysis has always been based on the eclipse of the visual and on the primacy of speech. The work of Jacques Lacan though, is strangely full of references to the visual field, from the... (more)

Introductory Lectures on Lacan

Introductory Lectures on Lacan

Edited by Astrid Gessert

  • Paperback £21.99

Lacan developed his theory and practice of psychoanalysis on the basis of Freud’s original work. In his “return to Freud” he not only elaborated and revised some of Freud’s innovative ideas, but... (more)

Surplus: Spinoza Lacan

Surplus: Spinoza Lacan

by A. Kiarina Kordela

  • Paperback £23.32

This book maintains that Lacanian psychoanalysis is the proper continuation of the line of thought from Spinoza to Marx. (more)

The Surface Effect: The Screen of Fantasy in Psychoanalysis

The Surface Effect: The Screen of Fantasy in Psychoanalysis

by Andre Nusselder

  • Paperback £39.99

Even before we think, we use fantasy. Is fantasy the "mother of all media"? Does fantasy save me from myself? Are there fictions that are real? In The Surface Effect Andre Nusselder examines the... (more)

Working with Trauma: Lessons from Bion and Lacan

Working with Trauma: Lessons from Bion and Lacan

by Marilyn Charles

  • Hardback £82.00

Working with Trauma: Lessons from Bion and Lacan takes concepts from the psychoanalytic literature and translates them into user-friendly language. In this book, Charles focuses on clinical work with... (more)

The New Klein-Lacan Dialogues

The New Klein-Lacan Dialogues

Edited by Julia Borossa, Catalina Bronstein

  • Paperback £35.99

This book provides a timely exploration and comparison of key concepts in the theories of Melanie Klein and Jacques Lacan, two thinkers and clinicians whose influence over the development of... (more)

What is a Child?: Childhood, Psychoanalysis, and Discourse

What is a Child?: Childhood, Psychoanalysis, and Discourse

by Michael Gerard Plastow

  • Paperback £34.99

Childhood is defined in different preconceived manners by different discourses. Thus the categories defined by age such as infant, child, adolescent and so on, are to some extent arbitrary divisions... (more)

Between Winnicott and Lacan: A Clinical Engagement

Between Winnicott and Lacan: A Clinical Engagement

Edited by Lewis A. Kirshner

  • Paperback £39.99

D.W. Winnicott and Jacques Lacan, two of the most innovative and important psychoanalytic theorists since Freud, are also seemingly the most incompatible. And yet, in different ways, both men... (more)

Key Concepts of Lacanian Psychoanalysis

Key Concepts of Lacanian Psychoanalysis

Edited by Dany Nobus

  • Paperback £31.99

In this classic work, eight crucial Lacanian ideas are explained through detailed exploration of the theoretical and/or practical context in which Lacan introduced them, the way in which they... (more)

On Being Normal and Other Disorders: A Manual for Clinical Psychodiagnostics

On Being Normal and Other Disorders: A Manual for Clinical Psychodiagnostics

by Paul Verhaeghe

  • Paperback £42.99

The central argument of On Being Normal and Other Disorders is that psychic identity is acquired through one's primary intersubjective relationships. Thus, the diagnosis of potential pathologies must... (more)

The Seminar of Jaques Lacan Book XVII: The Other Side of Psychoanalysis

The Seminar of Jaques Lacan Book XVII: The Other Side of Psychoanalysis

by Jacques Lacan

  • Paperback £17.99

Revolutionary and innovative, Jacques Lacan's work lies at the epicentre of modern thought about otherness, subjectivity, sexual difference and enjoyment. This new translation of Lacan's deliberation... (more)

Sexual Ambiguities

Sexual Ambiguities

by Genevieve Morel

  • Paperback £36.99
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How does one become a man or a woman? Psychoanalysis shows that this is never an easy task and that each of us tackles it in our own, unique way. In this important and original study, Genevieve Morel... (more)

The Seminar of Jacques Lacan X: Anxiety

The Seminar of Jacques Lacan X: Anxiety

by Cormac Gallagher, Jacques Lacan

  • Paperback £22.50
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From unedited French manuscripts (more)

Childhood Psychosis: A Lacanian Perspective

Childhood Psychosis: A Lacanian Perspective

by Silvia Elena Tendlarz

  • Paperback £34.99

Childhood Psychosis is a well-structured and informative study that explores childhood psychosis and its different manifestations in depth, with special emphasis on the relation between psychosis and... (more)

Lacan and Science

Lacan and Science

Edited by Jason Glynos, Yannis Stavrakakis

  • Paperback £48.99

The current volume represents an exciting collection of essays critically examining the relation between modern science and Lacanian psychoanalysis in approaching the question of mental suffering.... (more)

On Feminine Sexuality, the Limits of Love and Knowledge - Encore 1972-1973: Seminar XX

On Feminine Sexuality, the Limits of Love and Knowledge - Encore 1972-1973: Seminar XX

by Jacques Lacan, Jacques-Alain Miller

  • Paperback £16.99

An annotated translation of Jacques Lacan's seminar weighing up theories of the relationship between the desire for love and the attainment of knowledge. The text draws upon the work of such diverse... (more)

Jacques Lacan: Outline of a Life, History of a System of Thought

Jacques Lacan: Outline of a Life, History of a System of Thought

by Elisabeth Roudinesco

  • Paperback £39.99

Historian, psychoanalyst, and close member of Lacan's inner circle, Elisabeth Roudinesco tells the convoluted story of Jacques Lacan. From his early clinical practice to his many conflicts with the... (more)

Reading Seminars I and II: Lacan's Return to Freud

Reading Seminars I and II: Lacan's Return to Freud

Edited by Richard Feldstein, Bruce Fink

  • Paperback £26.97

A systematic presentation of Lacan's early work, sophisticated analysis of his reversals in perspective in the mid-1960's, and extensive discussion of his diagnostic categories by prominent... (more)

Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis: Including the First English Translation of Position of the Unconscious

Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis: Including the First English Translation of Position of the Unconscious

Edited by Richard Feldstein, Bruce Fink

  • Paperback £26.97

Provides the first truly sustained commentary to appear in either English or French on Lacan's most important seminar, 'The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis'. The sixteen contributors... (more)

Sexes and Genealogies

Sexes and Genealogies

by Luce Irigaray

  • Paperback £25.00

Covers major issues in religion, the law, psychoanalysis and literature, and analyzing sexual difference. (more)

On a Discourse that Might not Be a Semblance: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book XVIII

On a Discourse that Might not Be a Semblance: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book XVIII

by Jacques Lacan

  • Hardback £25.00

The title is, at first glance, enigmatic. Clue: it concerns men and women—their most concrete, amorous, and sexual relations in everyday life, as well as in their dreams and fantasies. It has nothing... (more)

Reading Lacan's Ecrits: From 'Overture to this Collection' to 'Presentation on Psychical Causality'

Reading Lacan's Ecrits: From 'Overture to this Collection' to 'Presentation on Psychical Causality'

Edited by Calum Neill, Derek Hook

  • Paperback £26.99 (RRP : £29.99 save £3.00)

Reading Lacan's Écrits is the first extensive set of commentaries on the complete edition of Lacan's Écrits to be published in English, providing an indispensable companion piece to some of Lacan's... (more)

Towards Identity in the Psychoanalytic Encounter: A Lacanian Perspective

Towards Identity in the Psychoanalytic Encounter: A Lacanian Perspective

by Colette Soler

  • Paperback £31.99

Towards Identity in the Psychoanalytic Encounter addresses the theme of identification and identity in the psychoanalytic clinic as elaborated by Jacques Lacan over the course of his... (more)

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