R. D. Hinshelwood brings together social science and psychoanalysis which are often held to be opposing schools of thought. His creation of a psychosocial model to develop new insights into politics... (more)
This thought-provoking book reveals the bewildering dilemmas confronting the boarding school child, and discovers a dark secret at the heart of the British psyche. The author, a psychotherapist and... (more)
This book sheds a new light on Freud, who from the beginning was aware that the psychoanalytic edifice he was constructing – which revealed in each individual an “ego not master in its own house” –... (more)
Taking Care established David Smail as an important social and political analyst whose background happened to be in clinical psychology. In this work he develops the analysis of mental illness, and... (more)
This work challenges the notion that anxiety and depression amount to a mental illness denoting that something is wrong with the individual sufferer. Instead, anxiety and depression are described as... (more)
The importance of money and our relationship to it is impossible to ignore in a decade defined by global economic crisis and financial instability. Integrating a psychoanalytic perspective with... (more)
Racism's external forms, from racial assault to petty discrimination, are readily recognized. However, its internal dimensions are easily overlooked: how can we understand what happens in the mind of... (more)
A forceful advocacy of a psychoanalysis that is social not individualistic in its view of human life, The Good Society and the Inner World surveys the implications of recent psychoanalytical work for... (more)
More than two dozen psychiatrists and psychologists offer their consensus view that Trump's mental state presents a clear and present danger to our nation and individual well-being. This is not... (more)
The intellectual traditions initiated by Freud and Marx have enabled a range of scholars to critically reflect upon the ideological foundations upon which modern and now postmodern western societies... (more)
This book is directly aimed at sufferers of mental distress. The book’s aim is to remove from sufferers the burden of 'fault' for their pain and to demystify some of the practices that surround the... (more)
It is the main argument of this book that emotional and psychological distress is often brought about through the operation of social-environmental powers which have their origin at a considerable... (more)
In an age when America elected its first black president and the Middle East stirred with popular uprising, Britons were again content to elect the products of their elitist Public Schools. But,... (more)
Money speaks in everyday life and in literature of our greed and our generosity, our pride and our humiliation and as it passes among us it shows our creativity and our ability to co-operate even... (more)
When Hitler invaded Vienna in the winter of 1938, Sigmund Freud, old and desperately ill, was among the citys 175,000 Jews dreading Nazi occupation. Mark Edmundson traces Hitler and Freud's oddly... (more)
This is an accessible, lucid and stimulating account of the hidden psychology of politics and the hidden politics of the psyche. It is packed with original and imaginative ideas on economics,... (more)
The contributors - all distuinguished authorities from a variety of backgrounds in public, professional and academic life - share a common conviction that we all have a powerful need to belong, to be... (more)
Andrew Samuels is one of the best known figures internationally in the fields of psychotherapy, Jungian analysis, relational psychoanalysis and counselling, and in academic studies in those areas.... (more)
A fierce, mordantly funny and perceptive book about the act of national self-harm known as Brexit. A great democratic country tears itself apart, and engages in the dangerous pleasures of national... (more)
Populism has become a significant feature of mature democracies in the twenty-first century and the rise of populist parties is proving a powerful and disruptive force. Catherine Fieschi offers a... (more)
Anne's motivation for writing Counselling, Class and Politics back in 1996, was `to persuade readers to the view that politics and political ideas matter in counselling'. This new edition of the work... (more)
Do political concerns belong in psychodynamic treatment? How do class and politics shape the unconscious? The effects of an increasingly polarized, insecure and threatening world mean that the... (more)
This work examines the effects of the Holocaust on second-generation survivors and specifically describes how historical images and trauma are transferred. (more)
A ground-breaking work in which the author makes the revolutionary link between the 'heroic' suffering of men in war and political struggle and the degraded suffering of women who are victims of... (more)
In this masterful history, Eli Zaretsky reveals the power of Freudian thought to illuminate the great political conflicts of the twentieth century. Developing an original concept of political... (more)
The financial crisis of 2008 clarified what economic theories have long ignored. Emotions really matter. David Tuckett argues that economists' explanations for what happened in the Financial Crisis... (more)
Luigi Zoja presents an insightful analysis of the use and misuse of paranoia throughout history and in contemporary society. Zoja combines history with depth psychology, contemporary politics and... (more)
Psychoanalysis, Society, and the Inner World explores ideas from psychoanalysis that can be valuable in understanding social processes and institutions and in particular, how psychoanalytic ideas and... (more)
Aside from the many political, cultural and economic aspects of the present refugee crisis in Europe, it is also crucial to consider the psychological element. In our fast-changing world,... (more)