Focused Problem Resolution: Selected Papers of the MRI Brief Therapy Center

Book Details
- Publisher : Zeig, Tucker and Theisen
- Published : 2009
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 272
- Category :
Brief Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 29650
- ISBN 13 : 9781934442357
- ISBN 10 : 1934442356
Also by Richard Fisch
Also by Wendel A. Ray
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The Mental Research Institute (MRI) has a distinguished history and can lay claim as the birthplace of numerous contributions to Communication/Interactional theory and innovations in the application of these ideas in the practice of family and brief therapy - not least of which is to be home of the MRI Brief Therapy Center (BTC).
If the work of Don Jackson is the heart and soul of MRI, the articles in this new volume are its backbone. This new volume brings together a selection of the very best papers from the MRI Brief Therapy Center - not an easy task for the editors. Consider that Fisch, Weakland, and Watzlawick published more than 250 articles and book chapters, and add the contributions of other BTC associates and the number grows to more than 400. The focus of this volume is on the most important papers written by John Weakland and Richard Fisch - the pioneers of communication/interactional theory and brief therapy.
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