Improving Behaviour and Raising Self-esteem in the Classroom: A Practical Guide to Using Transactional Analysis

Book Details
- Publisher : David Fulton
- Published : 2001
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 148
- Category :
Transactional Analysis - Category 2 :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Catalogue No : 17179
- ISBN 13 : 9781853467752
- ISBN 10 : 1853467758
Also by Trudi Newton
Supervision and Coaching: Growth and Learning in...
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This work should help all teachers who face challenging behaviour in their classrooms. It offers support and guidance for dealing with issues of behaviour and makes suggestions for building creative relationships in schools. Through a combination of case study illustrations of key transactional analysis concepts, practical proformas, planning notes and resources that have been tried and tested with schools, the book aims to give the reader the confidence and skills necessary to develop effective classroom management. It provides: materials to be used with pupils to improve behaviour; strategies for building successful relationships with colleagues; guidance on how to deal with conflict; suggestions for partnership planning; practical steps to take with pupils to help raise their self-esteem; and a glossary of transactional analysis terminology.
About the Author(s)
Trudi Newton is a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst in Education and discovered transactional analysis about twenty-five years ago, and since then has used it in all areas of life and enjoyed introducing others to its delights and benefits through training, supervision and personal connection. Now a writer, researcher and consultant working with other educators to facilitate radical learning and community development, she previously delivered TA training in Cambridge and London, UK, and in other countries including Russia and South Africa. She has written several books including Tactics, (with Rosemary Napper), which looks in detail at the process of learning and teaching.
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