Individuals, Groups and Organizations Beneath the Surface: An Introduction

Author(s) : Lionel F. Stapley

Individuals, Groups and Organizations Beneath the Surface: An Introduction

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This volume is an introductory text to the individual and organizational dynamics by an author with extensive experience in the field. It examines the unconscious processes of human behaviour that affect all organizations and institutions. It is aimed at those who are currently employed as managers or consultants, students of management, and others with the opportunity to develop knowledge skills and ability in an area of organizational behaviour, which has been largely inaccessible to the majority.

Reviews and Endorsements

'This book will open doors to the world 'beneath the surface' of everyday interactions for managers unfamiliar with such territory. Its accessible language and examples will reach a broad audience.'
- Professor Susan Long (PhD), Creative and Sustainable Organisation, RMIT University, Melbourne

'An essential resource for anyone who wants to understand more fully what occurs in groups and organizational life and especially for those whose teaching and learning depend on making the inaccessible more accessible. I plan to make it required reading for teaching students how to consult to groups, organizations, and social systems. '
- Debra A. Noumair, Associate Professor of Psychology and Education, Department of Organization and Leadership. Teachers College, Columbia University

'The book is beautifully crafted; it takes us through experience into reflection and then into psychoanalytic theory so that the reader can learn and develop. The style of writing reflects the aims - it is accessible, reflective and takes the reader through a fascinating journey.'
- Professor M. John McAuley, Head of Programmes: Research Degrees, Faculty of Organisation and Management, Sheffield Hallam University

About the Author(s)

Lionel Stapley PhD is an organizational consultant and the Director of OPUS (An Organisation for Promoting Understanding of Society) an educational charity that seeks to encourage the study of conscious and unconscious processes in society and institutions within it. He heads up the OPUS Group Processes Program; and is an organisational consultant working in the public and private sectors in the UK and in other countries with individuals, groups and sometimes whole organisations. He has a particular interest in organisational culture and change. He is also a member of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Personnel and Development (CFIPD), and a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Management (FCIM).

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