Jung's Word Association Experiment: Manual for Training and Practice

Author(s) : John O'Brien, Author(s) : Nada O'Brien

Jung's Word Association Experiment: Manual for Training and Practice

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : November 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 168
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
    Jung and Analytical Psychology
  • Catalogue No : 97877
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032716558
  • ISBN 10 : 103271655X
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Jung’s Word Association Manual is the long-awaited definitive and essential guide to training, research, and practice of Jung’s Association Experiment, both in clinical practice and beyond the consulting room.

Carefully redesigned by training analysts, examiners, and researchers at the C.G. Jung Institute Zurich in consultation with a multi-disciplinary group of international authorities, this manual will enable multi-disciplinary practice and discourse while supporting a research/practitioner model. WAE grabs spotlight as a therapeutic instrument remodelled to deliver measurable patient benefit. Bridging the worlds of empirical science and the depths of the human psyche, this book provides a platform for research into psychotherapeutic effectiveness and efficacy. The incorporation of Jung’s mature reflections and of contemporary research, teaching and practice provides solid new insights to support established and innovative practice and further scientific research.

This is a valuable new resource written for students and for the continuing professional development of analysts, academics, and fellow professionals.

Reviews and Endorsements

Explicit awareness of psychological complexes can be liberating for the person, but also for those around them. In this volume, John and Nada O’Brien take the concept beyond the clinic to the reach of those in touch with wider audiences. This wonderful mission makes the WAE more accessible to researchers looking to unlock new insights from the empirical study of complexes and also to qualified professionals helping their client’s to untangle the hidden psychological knots that bind them.
Dr Lance Newey, Senior Lecturer in Business Management at Queensland Business School and Jungian Executive Coach

The WAE has kaleidoscope properties. Like light it illuminates existing realities, presenting fragments and clusters for (re)consideration. This manual shows in a unique and well researched manner how the WAE, as a professional tool, can guide and assist the practitioner in the discovery of new creative dimensions to assist the client to integrate reconfigured realities.
Hanneke Frese, Executive Coach, lecturer, INSEAD Executive Coaching (Kets De Vries Institute and KornFerry)

Table of Contents

1. Jung's Word Association Experiment
2. WAE training for student analysts and practitioners
3. Preparing for the WAE
4. Taking the Anamnesis
5. AE Protocol
6. The Context interview
7. Map of complexes
8. Building and Interpretation hypothesis & Therapeutic use of AE
9. Behind Words - Developmental perspective
10. AE examination document: Example
11. The Word Association Experiment and the DSM / ICD categories
12. Research
13. AE: Further thoughts

About the Author(s)

John O'Brien is an accredited training Jungian psychoanalyst engaged in lecturing, research and writing, and supporting individuals, groups, and the wider community through the processes of individuation.

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Nada O'Brien is an accredited training Jungian analyst in private practice, working with individuals and groups, lecturer, researcher and a published author.

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