Rhythms of Recovery: Trauma, Nature, and the Body

Author(s) : Leslie E. Korn

Rhythms of Recovery: Trauma, Nature, and the Body

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : September 2021
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 316
  • Category :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 96153
  • ISBN 13 : 9780367773618
  • ISBN 10 : 9780367773
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The classic edition of Rhythms of Recovery sheds light on rhythm, one of the most important components of our survival and well-being. It governs the patterns of our sleep and respiration and is profoundly tied to our relationships with friends and family. But what happens when these rhythms are disrupted by traumatic events? Can balance be restored, and if so, how? What insights do eastern, natural, and modern western healing traditions have to offer, and how can practitioners put these lessons to use? Is it possible to do this in a way that's culturally sensitive, multidisciplinary, and grounded in research?

Rhythms of Recovery examines and answers these questions and provides clinicians with effective, time-tested tools for alleviating the destabilizing effects of traumatic events. It also explores integrative medicine, East/West medicine, herbal medicine, psychedelic medicine, complex trauma, yoga, and somatic and feminist therapies. For practitioners and students interested in integrating the insights of complementary/alternative medicine and 21st-century science, this deeply appealing book is an ideal guide.

Reviews and Endorsements

"This book broadens contemporary understandings of trauma beyond the current confines of academic discourse to complex real-world issues of culture and spirit. I strongly recommend this book as an essential resource and guide for clinicians and their patients who have experienced trauma." - James Lake, MD, author of Integrative Mental Health Care: A Therapist's Handbook

"In Rhythms of Recovery, Leslie Korn provides a unique review of the historical and cultural roots of trauma. She forcefully endorses the role of the body in defining the traumatic experience, and its essential inclusion in the healing process. Finally, Korn presents a thorough review of behavioral, somatic and nutritional avenues to healing. Her depth of knowledge, clarity of presentation and rich fund of supportive references make this a unique contribution to the literature addressing the understanding and healing of trauma." - Robert C. Scaer, MD, author of The Body Bears the Burden and The Trauma Spectrum

"Rhythms of Recovery is brilliant and comprehensive. Integrating work from numerous disciplines, Dr. Korn brings profound insight into the impact of trauma and the body. She guides us in listening to voice of the body and provides extraordinary guidance with practical and alternative forms for health and healing. This is a long awaited and needed book—amazing work!" - Lisa Machoian, EdD, author of The Disappearing Girl: Learning the Language of Teenage Depression

"It is one thing to say that Descartes mistook the body and the mind for two different ontological substances. Putting the body (including the brain) and the mind together again, and regarding them as expressions of one substance, is a much more demanding matter. Still, trauma experts become ever more convinced that the consequences of severe neglect, abuse or still other horrors affect individuals at the level of the whole organism. Leslie Korn is certainly one of them. In this intriguing book she thus addresses the whole person, clinically, empirically, and therapeutically. I highly recommend trauma therapists to test the integrative path to understanding and healing she invites us to tread." - Ellert Nijenhuis, PhD, coauthor of The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization

"The longer we study the effects of traumatization, the more we see the impact on the body. Leslie Korn shows us how the body operates rhythmically, how trauma disrupts that rhythmic functioning and, most importantly, how a plethora of new (and old) methods can be used to help the body restore its balance. This book is a must read for every therapist who deals with trauma." - Don R. Catherall, PhD, Northwestern University.

About the Author(s)

Leslie Korn, PhD, a clinician, educator, and trainer on mental health nutrition, lives in Olympia, Washington.

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