The Queerness of Psychoanalysis: From Freud and Lacan to Laplanche and Beyond

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : November 2024
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 296
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 97879
- ISBN 13 : 9781032603827
- ISBN 10 : 1032603828
Also by Vanessa Sinclair
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The Queerness of Psychoanalysis is an exploration of psychoanalysis’ often complicated and fraught history with thinking about queerness, as well as its multifaceted heritage.
Throughout the chapters, the contributors write about psychoanalysis’ relationship with queerness, the ways in which queerness is represented in the psychoanalytic archive and how that archive endures in the present, creating various disruptive effects both within and beyond the clinic. Each chapter from the global cohort of contributors approaches queerness from a different angle: they consider the literary aspects of queerness’ presence in the analytic world; the clinical complexities of working with queer and trans people; metapsychological inclusion and exclusion of queerness, and many other subjects. Taken together, these contributions constitute a decisive intervention into the psychoanalytic canon. They are an unabashed demand for accepting and furthering the representation and inclusion of queer and in particular trans people within psychoanalysis. It is a call for action to utilise and deepen psychoanalysis’ enormous explicatory powers and bring together voices that have so far been denied a unity of expression, while critically reevaluating psychoanalysis’ historical relationship to queerness. Each chapter proposes different ways of thinking and writing psychoanalytically, with many of the papers queering the format and forms of expression commonly found in academic writing, through their use of dialogues, conversations, or other experimental forms of writing.
Written almost exclusively by analysts, scholars and activists who identify as trans and/or queer, this important volume puts theory into practice by centering queer and trans voices.
Reviews and Endorsements
Here is a book whose authors immerse themselves in the histories and discourses of psychoanalysis and the forces of cultural and political ideologies to offer reflective and critical analyses of the psychoanalytic “treatment” of queerness. These insightful and at times provocative essays reflect on the quotidian aspects of queer lived lives, the fragilities of the contemporary era, and how they can meaningful interact with a discipline of psychoanalysis fit for the 21st century.
Eve Watson, Psychoanalyst and Writer, Dublin
Table of Contents
Vanessa Sinclair, Elisabeth Punzi, and Myriam Sauer
1. Gird your Loins: The Transgender Psychoanalysts are Coming
Tobias Wiggins
2. On the Cage of Gender: Perspectives on an Ethics of Sexual Différance
Esther Hutfless
3. Emptiness is the Cure for Psychoanalysis
Myriam Sauer
4. Tiresias as the Patron Saint of Psychoanalysis: On the Integral Mutations of Psychoanalysis
Simone A. Medina Polo
5. H.D. & Bryher: Psychoanalysis, Mysticism, and Gender
Elisabeth Punzi
6. Trans Childhoods and the Family Romance
M. E. O’Brien
7. Transsexuality at the Origin of Desire: Or, Schreber’s Satanic Handjob
Luce deLire
8. Sissy Dance $1: The More and More of Gender
Griffin Hansbury and Avgi Saketopoulou
9. Dragging Psychoanalysis
Geoffrey Hervey and Lara Sheehi
10. Erotophobia: Or, Isn’t Everyone A Pervert?
Gila Ashtor
11. Freud Would Not Be Queer Without Us: An Autotheory on Psychoanalysis as Queer Praxis
Molly Merson
12. Credo: So Our Lives Glide On
Ken Corbett
About the Editor(s)
Vanessa Sinclair, PsyD, is a psychoanalyst based in Stockholm. Dr Sinclair is the author of Switching Mirrors, editor of Rendering Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Politics and Poetry, and co-editor of On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives with Dr Manya Steinkoler.
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Elisabeth Punzi is a licensed psychologist and a lecturer at the Department of Psychology at Gothenburg University (GU), Sweden. She leads a project concerning heritage and health at the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies, GU and teaches psychoanalytic theory, psychology of religion and qualitative research methods, and many other topics.
Myriam Sauer is a PhD canditate at the Latin-America Institute of Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany, as well as a writer and poet. Her primary academic interests lie in the fields of psychoanalysis, queer studies, literature, and sociology.
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