This unique book, incorporating both theory and practice, provides an invaluable guide to the assessment of dreams in transactional analysis (TA).
Ground in the latest neuroscientific research,... (more)
This is a practical introduction to a uniquely comprehensive therapeutic approach, which combines theories of the mind, emotions, behaiour and bodily experience. (more)
Transactional Analysis (TA) has continued to grow and develop ever since its inception by the Canadian-American psychiatrist Dr Eric Berne over a half century ago. It has proven itself to be an... (more)
Co-creative transactional analysis is an approach to a particular branch of psychology which, as the phrase suggests, emphasises the “co-” (mutual, joint) aspect of professional relationships,... (more)
This book introduces the theory and practice of Transactional Analysis (TA) - which integrates cognitive behavioural and psychodynamic theories within a humanistic philosophy - from a unique... (more)
Life Scripts: A Transactional Analysis of Unconscious Relational Patterns is an exciting collection of contemporary writings on Life Script theory and psychotherapeutic methods. Each chapter... (more)
In this fascinating and robust volume, the editors have compiled a collection of articles that provides an account of their individual theoretical journeys as they trace the evolution of relational... (more)
Intensive Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy: An Integrated Model (ITAP) introduces a new approach to psychotherapy. Based on psychodynamic foundations, the ITAP integrates the most recent trends... (more)
"Not then, men and their moments. Rather, moments and their men," writes Erving Goffman in the introduction to his groundbreaking Interaction Ritual, a study of face-to-face interaction in natural... (more)
Conscience and Critic brings together thirty five years of Keith Tudor's finest contributions to the field of mental health. Covering a wide range of subjects that encompass psychotherapy, social... (more)
Transactional Analysis for Depression is the first research-based, transactional analysis psychotherapy manual. Developed from the author's research into TA therapy for depression, the book also... (more)
After fifty years of development and refinement in Transactional Analysis (TA), the theory of methods and the actual methods have changed considerably from those originally published by Eric Berne.... (more)
The main values and principles of Transactional Analysis, in its original psychodynamic matrix, become a concrete experience in this book thanks to the accurate description of the daily practice of a... (more)
Using the easily understood vocabulary of Transactional Analysis and her own original contribution to the theory, Mavis Klein presents a handbook that will vividly illuminate and clarify all the... (more)
An unrivalled introduction to the core concepts and basic techniques of Transactional Analysis (TA). Each chapter takes the reader through the successive stages in using TA to create therapeutic... (more)
This book represents a synthesis of more than thirty years dedicated to the spreading and teaching of transactional analysis, and will be useful to students, directors and professors of the schools... (more)
'Through different voices and styles of contributions, including papers, edited talks and panel discussion, this collection explores and applies the principles of relational transactional analysis.... (more)
Provides a comprehensive guide to understanding suicide, the assessment of risk, and the treatment and management of suicidal individuals. It begins by covering the theory behind suicidal behaviour,... (more)
This two disc DVD set focuses on a weekend workshop held in Berkeley, California, when a group of fourteen people came together to study and train in 'Emotional Literacy' under the leadership of its... (more)
David Midgley's autobiography describes the author's own Life Script. From childhood failure and humiliation, to recovery, transactional analysis and a career in casework and counselling as a... (more)
This work should help all teachers who face challenging behaviour in their classrooms. It offers support and guidance for dealing with issues of behaviour and makes suggestions for building creative... (more)
This volume provides an in-depth, comprehensive model of theory and practice. Aimed at postgraduates and professionals in the field of psychotherapy, the book presents the model, which reflects the... (more)
Of all the approaches to therapy, Transactional Analysis (TA) is arguably one of those most suited to time-limited work. At a time when short-term therapy is increasingly dominant as a form of... (more)
A handbook on the theory and practice of Transactional Analysis. The author describes the main features of TA theory as well providing guidance on how the principles can be used in the context of... (more)
Eric Berne is probably still best known as the author of the bestselling Games People Play, yet his professional writings on transactional analysis fill several books and his practice of... (more)
This dictionary offers a key to concepts used by transactional analysts which is accessible to those new to the field as well as the more experienced. (more)
Redecision therapy, with its roots in transactional analysis and Gestalt therapy, is described here. Developed in the 1960s, its basic techniques are: contracting for change; using self-responsible... (more)
An engaging account of Toad's experience with transactional analysis counselling, which brings back to life the characters from "The wind in the willows" all over again. 128 pages. (more)
This concise workbook provides 30 practical suggestions to help practising counsellors develop and enhance their Transactional Analysis (TA) counselling skills. After a brief introductory section... (more)