Teaching Mindfulness Skills to Kids and Teens
Book Details
- Publisher : Guilford Press
- Published : 2015
- Cover : Hardback
- Pages : 430
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Category 2 :
Mindfulness - Catalogue No : 38156
- ISBN 13 : 9781462522385
- ISBN 10 : 1462522386
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Packed with creative, effective ideas for bringing mindfulness into the classroom, child therapy office, or community, Teaching Mindfulness Skills to Kids and Teens features sample lesson plans and scripts, case studies, vignettes, and more. Leading experts describe how to harness the unique benefits of present-focused awareness for preschoolers, school-age kids, and teens, including at-risk youth and those with special needs. Strategies for overcoming common obstacles and engaging kids with different learning styles are explored. Chapters also share ways to incorporate mindfulness into a broad range of children's activities, such as movement, sports, music, games, writing, and art. Giving clinicians and educators practices they can use immediately, the book includes clear explanations of relevant research findings.
Reviews and Endorsements
'What a delight to have such a deep and broad reference to inform and advance the field of teaching mindfulness to youth! Willard and Saltzman have their fingers on the pulse of this rapidly growing field, while keeping their feet firmly planted on the ground. Assembled mindfully, lovingly and skillfully, this volume is written and edited by leading authorities. Take the time to delve in deeper after scanning the impressive table of contents, and you will find a richness of content and wisdom to inform and guide you in doing this important work.'
- Steven D. Hickman, PsyD, Executive Director, Center for Mindfulness, University of California, San Diego
'I can't think of a book about working with youth that is more comprehensive, detailed, practical, and clear. The down-to-earth, broadly applicable approach outlined here will draw out children's and teens' boundless inner strength, creativity, resilience, and kindness. I hope every person that teaches or counsels our children reads this book.'
- Congressman Tim Ryan, author of A Mindful Nation
'A remarkable synthesis of the mindfulness in education movement. Balancing research, theory, and practical guidance, this book is a 'must have' for anyone interested in integrating mindfulness into their work with youth. Instead of just telling kids to pay attention, be nice to each other, and regulate their emotions, this book shows how to support them experientially in cultivating these priceless qualities. The contributors offer deep insights into how to integrate mindfulness into diverse communities and how to teach all youth who could benefit, including those with special needs or addictions.'
- Daniel Rechtschaffen, MFT, author of The Way of Mindful Education
'Willard and Saltzman have put together a rich tapestry of accessible, practical applications for bringing mindfulness to children and adolescents. Whata (TM)s unique about this book is the wide range of ways it offers to help young people build emotional intelligence and resilience, and to prepare them to thrive on their way to adulthood.'
- Elisha Goldstein, PhD, Co-Founder, Center for Mindful Living, Los Angeles
'Being aware of life as it unfolds brings clarity, connection, and creativity into everyday experiences. This magnificent collection of pearls of wisdom and practical advice is an important resource for any educator or clinician who supports the development of children and teens. The experienced contributors offer unique perspectives on cultivating mindful awareness with a range of populations and age groups, offering a spectrum of accessible, useful strategies we can apply immediately. Soak in these pages and enjoy the benefits for all concerned!'
- Daniel J. Siegel, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, Los Angeles; Executive Director, Mindsight Institute
'This book sparkles like a diamond -- its many facets will dazzle the reader. Leading authors have contributed insightful chapters on the latest developments in mindfulness for children and youth. A "must read".'
- Eline Snel, Director, International Academy for Mindful Teaching, The Netherlands
About the Editor(s)
Christopher Willard, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist and educational consultant based in Boston, with a specialty in mindfulness and self-compassion. He speaks on the topic of mindfulness and meditation with young people nationally and internationally, and holds teaching appointments at Lesley University and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Willard is on the board of directors of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy and the Mindfulness in Education Network. He has been practicing sitting meditation since 1999.
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Amy Saltzman, MD, is a holistic physician and mindfulness coach whose passion is supporting people of all ages in enhancing their well-being and discovering the Still Quiet Place within. She is recognized by her peers as a visionary and pioneer in the fields of holistic medicine and mindfulness for youth, and her current work focuses on sharing mindfulness with school-age youth in socioeconomically diverse school and community settings. In collaboration with the Department of Psychology at Stanford University, she has conducted two research studies evaluating the benefits of teaching mindfulness to childa ""parent pairs and to children in low-income elementary schools. She has authored a number of books and publications.
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